Reach more people.

We help with your personal branding & corporate influencing.

Thomas Müller (FC Bayern) two thumbs up
“Bernhard is a real branding wizard. I appreciate his strategic approach and his honest, direct communication. I can rely on him and the results speak for themselves.”

Thomas Müller

FC Bayern & German National Team

Our services
  • Branding Strategy
  • Brand Development

Why traditional corporate communication is falling behind — and what works instead.


Digitale Kommunikation und Social Media haben sich geändert. Klassische Unternehmenskommunikation auf Plattformen wie LinkedIn funktioniert nicht mehr.Digital communication and social media have changed. Traditional corporate communication on platforms such as LinkedIn no longer works.

You don't have to believe us — the reports of your marketing department and their own use of the platforms are proof enough.

This trend even goes so far that LinkedIn, for example, only shows its users 3 percent of content from companies, 97 percent of the content comes from people.

Somit werden Unternehmen, die weiterhin nur auf klassische Kommunikationmethoden setzen, digital zunehmend unsichtbar.

As a result, companies that continue to rely only on classic corporate communication are becoming increasingly invisible on the internet.

The solution lies in the personal.

Warum nutzen wir diese Chance nicht einfach für Ihr Unternehmen?

Wir zeigen Ihnen den Weg und verhelfen Ihnen und Ihrem Unternehmen zu mehr Sichtbarkeit und folglich auch Umsatz.

Builderz Kunde Dieter Leikermoser
Dieter Leikermoser
Our service: personal branding on LinkedIn

Personal Branding: The unfair advantage for your company

Mädchen im gelben Anzug trinkt Tee

Gain trust.

People buy from people they like, trust, and feel like they know. Personal branding is your scalable trust turbo booster. The more time people spend with your content, the more likely they'll trust you.

Mädchen im gelben Anzug wirft einen Papierflieger

Boost your visibility

The best product is the one you know. This marketing wisdom also applies to business partners and service providers. Based on the algorithm, personal profiles on LinkedIn achieve an average of up to 20x more visibility and an average of 10x more likes and comments than company pages. That is money in the bank for your business.

Mädchen im gelben Anzug sitzt am Schreibtisch und lächelt selbstbewusst

Strengthen your employer brand

The right employees are hard to find. Great ones even harder. The most convincing advertising comes from founders or employees who identify with their company and tell others about it. This is how corporate influencing was born and it should be an important part of marketing strategy today.

Antje Lenk, Geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin bei Bridge imp
Vor drei Monaten habe ich angefangen, mit Builderz zu arbeiten, heute profitieren mein Unternehmen und ich bereits enorm von der Sichtbarkeit auf LinkedIn. Zwei abgeschlossene Verträge und mehr als 15 vielversprechende Leads sprechen für sich. Ich kann Builderz wärmstens empfehlen. Wer sein Personal Branding auf ein neues Level heben will, ist hier goldrichtig.

Antje Lenk

Geschäftsführende Gesellschafterin bei Bridge imp

Unsere Services
  • Personal Branding
“People buy from people they think they know and trust.”
Bernhard Neumann berät Builderz Kundin

We help you reach more people and increase your revenue with personal branding.

Personal Branding

We ensure that you and your business are put in the spotlight. With style, representative, and unignorably.

With our Executive Influence Program, we offer all-included, carefree service especially for C-level executives.

Based on your tailor-made strategy, we take care of building your personal brand on LinkedIn and Co.

Your time investment is minimal.

In other words, you and your company are becoming more visible digitally week by week, while you can carry out your tasks as usual.

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Corporate Influencer Training

In our specially designed training, we turn your employees into convincing brand ambassadors in just a few weeks 
(Corporate influencers).

They will learn how to position themselves prominently through authentic appearance and convincing content on social media and at the same time boost your business.

The result: greater visibility and a 
committed corporate culture.

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LinkedIn Workshops

We're taking your team to the next level on LinkedIn.

Whether it's to get started or to refine the communication of your company and/or your employees, we are here to help.

In a practical workshop, participants receive valuable insights into why it is worthwhile to be on LinkedIn and how to make an all around successful appearance.

Among other things, there are also insights into how the LinkedIn algorithm works and how you can optimize your profile in order to present yourself and be noticed in the best possible way.

Our most popular workshops are two or four hours long and can be hosted on-site or digitally.

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1:1 LinkedIn coaching

Personal LinkedIn coaching for quick results.

In four 60-minute video calls, we will take your LinkedIn presence to the next level together and develop a clear roadmap for you. You can expect visible results shortly after the first coaching session.

Whether you have questions about your LinkedIn profile, content ideas or compelling writing, we address your needs and questions. You can rest assured that we have individually prepared for the coaching session with you.

Through coaching, you will learn how to act safely and effectively on LinkedIn and how to use the platform to your advantage.

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About Us - Why Personal Branding drives us

Portrait Bernhard Neumann, Geschäftsführer Builderz
Bernhard Neumann
Founder and CEO Builderz
Moritz Wolff
Moritz Wolff

Attention to the right ideas and people is our goal.

Builderz was born out of my fascination for people and their quest for excellence. We want to help great people who contribute positively and actively to our society get the attention they deserve.
Personal branding is currently one of the most effective ways to put these people, their ideas and companies in the limelight.

We bring many years of experience to the big stage.

We serve more than 50 million followers for our customers on social media. On LinkedIn alone, we look after more than 220,000 followers.
For example, an entrepreneur with whom we started from scratch less than 6 months ago has now reached more than 450,000 people in his target group on LinkedIn organically.
Our work and consulting is based on more than 15 years of experience in online marketing and branding. Specifically in the area of personal branding and corporate influencing, we have been working with our customers for more than 5 years.

The best or nothing.

We are currently a small but powerful team, supported by independent experts. Colleagues who strive to excel in their disciplines. We regard anything else as a waste of time.
That is why we want to use our work to support people who want to get more out of their career and business and are also prepared to put in the work.


Get in touch with us today.
We would be happy to talk about your goals and how we can support you with personal branding and corporate influencing.